Heading to the E.R.
The reason you are going to the E.R. is stressful enough…
It is said that the worst case scenario of an emergency ambulance response is that the crew knows nothing about the patient. Most responders arrive at situations where the person has no identification—and can't speak. Although they train for that very scenario more than any other, wouldn’t it be great if your situation was the reverse?
Whether you go to the ER on your own, or end up in an ambulance, armed with your My Body Passport™, your key health information doesn’t need to be a mystery, ever.
“One afternoon I answered a call from a friend… “I am heading to the ER, please meet me there”. Upon my arrival, he was already admitted, and, considering the situation, he was understandably medicated with morphine. Within minutes of my arrival, an assistant walked into the room with a pile of paper work, and before we know it, they are asking him about his family history, they are asking him about his current meds, they are asking him about his personal surgical history, and my job was to help him fill out these forms. Now, if you have ever had a conversation with someone under morphine, you know that you are not going to get very far with these types of question. And so, I was sitting there thinking, ok these questions are being asked to give my friend the best care under his condition, so they need to know this information, but there is no way he is going to remember or be able to tell me and, even though we are good friends, I don’t know this information. And I thought, this is nuts, this is crazy, How often does this happen? Think about your situation. Do you know what your family member’s history is, really? Do you know the dates of surgeries, and medicines and all that stuff. Because I am guessing you don’t and if you do, under stress you may not remember. This was a key moment that incited me to create My Body Passport.”